Our backup services could make your whole day.

Don’t let your company lose valuable time and money to data loss. JUSTEK will tailor a backup plan to your situation and budget, based on industry best practices. The Rule of 3-2-1 is something we ask our clients to understand at our first meeting. There should be three copies of your data in existence at all times, at least two different types of media used for storage, and at least one copy off site.

Let JUSTEK evaluate your backup requirements.

We’ll examine how your business runs, work with you to customize a backup plan, then give you clear instructions for implementing backups. The right backup solution decreases downtime, minimizes anxiety about lost data, and could even make you feel years younger.

Should you back up to the cloud?

Cloud storage eliminates the need for an employee to remember to initiate the backup. And let’s face it, humans have been known to forget to do repetitive tasks. Automated backup to the cloud will happen when you’re there, when you’re on vacation, or when you’re dealing with a crisis. It never forgets. Further, the cost per megabyte is extremely low and dropping.

Restoring, testing, and reliability go hand in hand.

At JUSTEK we do spot checks for our customers, randomly restoring files to test that the system we have set up works reliably. So far there has never been an instance where we haven’t been able to restore data from an online service, whether it’s Carbonite, Mozy, Glacier, or another of the many other services out there.

Good backups can reduce or eliminate legal fees

Did you know that backups can help your business avoid lawsuits? A client of ours was able to provide proof to support contested invoices using backed up emails, forcing the customer to make payment and eliminating the need for costly litigation. Not only did the client get paid, but they saved thousands of dollars in legal fees.


  • Backup auditing, planning and consulting

  • Physical backup implementation

  • Cloud storage and remote backup

  • Staff training on backup procedures


Software Installation and Guidance


Wifi and Mesh Networks